Brooke’s signature coaching style is an ‘all-in,’ client-customized partnership.
Brooke’s signature coaching style is an “all-in,” client-customized partnership. This partnership typically lasts for one year, during which you’ll expand your capacity through hard work suited to your learning style and tried-and-true tools such as interview-based assessment with your most important stakeholders: your team and—if you’re brave—your loved ones.
Most of your learning and experimentation will take place on the job. Along the way, you may also do some targeted work that will help you achieve your goals. For example:
- If you’ve not yet mastered executive presence, you will complete challenges that boost your credibility and ease.
- If you’re struggling with distraction, you will evaluate your schedule and priorities for certain, but will also look at your diet, sleep, reflection and exercise habits.
- If you habitually talk over people, you may interview someone you care about as you listen attentively to help them expand their thoughts.
Brooke’s approach is creative and responsive, but always results-oriented and based on rock-solid research of how adults learn.